Saturday 14 May 2011

Rejected, Rejected, You Just Got REJECTED!

From: XXXXX University
Subject: Admissions

Dear Ms. XXXX,
We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to XXXXX. The overall applicant pool this year was especially competitive, and it is unfortunate that we had to waste our time reading your application. We understand your strong interest in our school, although we don't particularly care, and we are in fact sending you this letter to inform you of your general inferiority and lack of intellectual vitality, originality, and positive contribution to our egotistical and elitist community. We are sorry that you believed that you may have had a shot at getting accepted here, in addition to feeling sorry for your severe misconception of your own personal qualities, achievements, and potential for the future, which we believe will be exceptionally bleak and pitiful.


The School of Your Dreams That is WAY Too Good For You, You Waste-of-Time Applicant

.....Alright, so it didn't sound EXACTLY like that, but it may as well have.

Hello blog readers! I am new to this community and the reason i was inspired to get a blog is because i was recently rejected from a university.  Now before i carry on, im no dead beat waste-of-time applicant, i have an impressive resume, and particularly good marks, but lets face it, that doesn't really cut it now-a-days.  The politics of secondary education is unreal.  The final year of highschool has a constant buzz and tension of 'where are you going next year?!'..have you heard from xxxxx university?!'..'I heard they only accept people if' etc, etc, etc.  It's been a stressful year, basically playing myself on repeat saying to family members and friends who ask 'where are you headed', 'i'm not sure yet, im still waiting to hear from a certain school'. Finally after months of waiting on applications, and getting in to numerous schools, i receive the deadly 'we don't want you, please don't bother us' email from a university.  I would like to be treated with a little respect, if your going to cruch my ego and make me 'talk to the hand' at least send me an official rejection letter on paper, or am i not worth the postage? I would like a trophy of my failure.
However, in all seriousness, i'm not very attached to the program or the school, so it has not been too much of an emotional struggle.  I think it is more emotionally tolling on the parents of kids applying to university than it is to the kids themselves.  I received the rejection on Wednesday, and chose not to tell my parents for almost a week.  I'm really not sure why i waited but i figured it would be more upsetting to them than it was to me.   They gave me the typical 'you're still a great person, with lots of opportunities ahead of you!' and the 'its their loss not to have you!' and the 'we support you no matter what!'.  Cute parental response.

In a weird way, i kinda feel like this university rejection is a badge of honour!  I suppose i wouldn't feel that way if i hadn't already decided to go somewhere else, but hey! To each their own.

Anyways, I'm still smiling after this, so are my parents, so i hope you all are too!
-sincerely the waste-of-time-applicant

P.S Comment and leave me your thoughts..did you apply to uni? did you go? did you get rejected?